Environmental Guide for Nova Scotia Farms
Over the last year, a new Agri-Environmental Program has been developed to provide a more comprehensive approach to environmental stewardship for the Nova Scotia agricultural industry. The program builds on the success of the past 20 years of the Environmental Farm Plan (EFP) program. It is a new three-way partnership building on the strengths and expertise of the Nova Scotia Department of Agriculture, the Nova Scotia Federation of Agriculture and Perennia Food and Agriculture Inc.
As part of the changes, the EFP program is being updated and has developed an Environmental Guide for Nova Scotia Farms. Traditionally, the EFP report provided to the farmer has contained a mixture of farm specific information and general environmental content. Our new guide has compiled relevant environmental information related to typical farming practices and links to additional resources to provide the industry a reference document for a variety of environmental concerns. Our intention is to review and update the guide each winter so that farmers have access to current information each season to be used as a supplemental document to their Environmental Farm Plan.
We value input into the guide. If you have any comments or suggestions, please email : efp@nsfa-fane.ca