AEP Webinar: Earthen Manure Storage Systems

Topic: Earthen Manure Storage Systems Date/Time: Thursday, February 11, 1:30-2:30 PM Hosts: Perennia and NSFA Environmental Farm Plan Description: Please join Professional Engineer Steven Brogan (Rural Roots Engineering & Design Ltd.) as he discusses earthen manure storage systems. These types of manure storage systems are widely used in Western Canada, but less common in Nova … Continued

AEP Webinar: Supporting Wild Bees

“Supporting Wild Bees” with guest speaker Dr. Nancy McLean, Assistant Professor of Plant Breeding and Genetics at Dalhousie University’s Faculty of Agriculture. To register visit: This webinar is presented by the Nova Scotia Agri-Environmental Program (AEP) in partnership with Clean Annapolis River Project

Callibrating Sprayers with Rate Controllers: Focusing in on Accuracy

Join the Agri-Environmental Program as we discuss calibrating field sprayers equipped with rate controllers to ensure accurate applications and look ahead at new sprayer technology on the horizon. Topics covered will include understanding the monitor readings, calibrating speed sources and flowmeters, verifying as applied application rates and integration with GPS systems for mapping and record … Continued